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Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Short and Bitter Sweet

This protest is form a few years ago now but I find it to be one of the most moving and it also illustrates, just how long the people of Bradford, have been caring and campaigning to have the Odeon, restored to form of it's former glory.

In recent days, there has been talk that the Odeon could become the John Peel centre for creative arts. This would be a great boost for our city, which has suffered at the hands of others, for far too long.

Over recent weeks, I have seen some rather amazing and annoying comments on other blogs, regarding the Odean.  It would seem that some people think, that a centre for creative arts right next door to the Alhambra would create to much competition and one or the other would struggle.

Now here's my little rant. Haven't these people heard of the West End, the one in London that is. Or Broadway, where theatres are back to back! Let's have music in the city, theatre in the city, Street theatre in City Park, Street performers in City Park, let's have dance in the city. Let's bring people into the city and show them, what Bradford could and can be.

Little rant over.

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