Hi everyone.
My name is Steve, known in some circles as Wickermansteve. This has got nothing to do with the film "The Wickerman" which came out in 1973. My youngest son, gave me this name, as he thinks I'm too thin and must be made of wicker. Simple as that. My excuse is, that I'm just small boned and have never been able to put on weight, no matter what I eat.
So, let me explain to you, what the purpose of this blog is. To tell you the truth, I'm not quite sure as yet. I have many interest and concerns.
Just recently I have become, very interested in citizen journalism and the community around me. My city is Bradford yes, Bradford I have a particular fondness for Saltaire and Roberts Park. Last year, my eldest son and myself ran a comedy club in Saltaire Village. Unfortunately we had to stop as we were paying for the whole night out of our own pockets, didn't have any sponsors and the venue couldn't help out.
Here goes, this is what I'm aiming for. A few weeks ago, on You Tube, I saw a little Syrian boy been treated after being injured in the conflict there. I couldn't understand a word he was saying as there were no subtitles but what I did hear in his voice, was the pain and what's more, the bewilderment. "Why was this happening to him" He must have been around, four, or five years old and he hasn't been far from my mind since. You see, I'm the grandfather of two lovely young children.
What I would like to attempt, is to raise money and awareness about children who are caught up in these conflict by staging a large comedy and music event within my community. I know this sounds rather grandiose, but there I've said it.
I love my Family, love books real, books. Also love New York City.
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